In early days of computers and computing women were more represented and involved in technology field. Women often worked in top-secret projects of military during the end of the war. Women worked in behind the scenes in hardware while men worked in hardware engineering. The software development were regarded as women work. Women worked in the field of Electronics, Numerator, Integrator and Computers, often referred as ENIAC. Even the first compiler was written by Grace Hopper, in 1952, for programming language. Hopper even claimed that women are “naturals” in programming, as, “it’s just like planning a dinner”. In early 80s, the percentage of women in computers and computing were 37% but the recent statistics shows it has dropped to 20% so what went wrong.

Here are three common myths that are stopping women from grabbing the opportunity to advance further in technology industry.
1. Idea of innate male interest and women are not interested in tech. - False
There is the gender stereotype of women not being drawn in general to this kind of work. It is a sole gender biased thing, delusions of gender. The myth says that, women do not take leads, they lack confidence, and they avoid conflict and are too emotional. Women often come out as wives or product models. It is also widely generalized that boys being better at mathematics and science and discouraging girls from pursuing a study in the field of technology or mathematics. Even if they are interested then it is often stereotyped as someone who is always on social media, their sole interest is taking selfies and posting it on the social media and not being productive.
2. Never finding work-life balance, saying that women are not career driven. - Sometimes true
This has been a subject to criticism as people say that women are not career driven as their major role is to raise a family, to take care of kids and be a good house wife. In reality, the household, cooking and child-care is gender-neutral work. Balancing work and life is necessary in every field of career path, and not only on the fields of tech. It is also necessary for men to find work-life balance just like women. One needs to be present in their respective life, if you are at work, give 100% to work and if you are at home, give your 100% to your family, and if you are in vacation, just sit back and enjoy. Nowadays every tech companies have come a long way to respect men and women’s time at home. Companies are providing women with opportunities of personal growth, challenging works and financial stability.
3. Masculine profession – Computer science is not feminine enough. - False
Computer science or programming is not male or female. Technical ability is not defined by gender. One of the major role is played by pop culture like movies where they present nerds wearing thick -rimmed glasses, braces, with computer on their palm of hands and always coding away, or hacking something with green numbers on the screen. Social stereotyping concerning the masculinity of certain professions. It is always majorly signified that men are good at computing, programming, science, technology or math. In addition, women are only good at soft skills, not the technical ones, they are seen as someone who do not fit in the industry as a whole because they are emotional, and do not think logically. Some tech company reject women thinking that they are not culture fit, saying that male employees do not know how to socialize with women. It is usually a boys club and one feels like an outsider to the group.
Computer science is a field that opens doors and provides great opportunities for men and women entrepreneurs. With necessary support, women are more than capable to thrive in the tech field. Studies have even shown that some STEM women outperform their male counterparts. .Women developed computer science along with men, not just male. Computer programming is not just male or female. Girls can love pink, make up and high heels and still be a rock star at software engineering or any tech related job.
Final Takeaways:
Technology or IT is a field that opens doors and provides great opportunities for men and women entrepreneurs. With the necessary support, women are more than capable to thrive in the tech field. Studies have even shown that some STEM women outperform their male counterparts. .Women developed computer science along with men, not just males. Computer programming is not just male or female. Girls can love pink, makeup, and high heels and still be a rock star at software engineering or any tech-related job.